SINGLES: StLouis_Senegal_04-2

A woman sits in a doorway on the island of St. Louis, Senegal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.The receding Senegalese coastline around the historic St. Louis, Senegal’s former colonial capital, is most apparent in Guet Ndar, the fishing village across the bridge from N’Dar Island that marks the Unesco world heritage site. Rising tides and urbanization put the heavily populated area at risk of further destruction and displacement. (Jane Hahn for the New York Times)

A woman sits in a doorway on the island of St. Louis, Senegal, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

The receding Senegalese coastline around the historic St. Louis, Senegal’s former colonial capital, is most apparent in Guet Ndar, the fishing village across the bridge from N’Dar Island that marks the Unesco world heritage site. Rising tides and urbanization put the heavily populated area at risk of further destruction and displacement.  

(Jane Hahn for the New York Times)