groundwater crisis (ongoing): lake chad basin: chad: JHahn_LakeChadBasin_40

A boy drinks water directly out of Lake Chad at what was once the port of Baga Sola, Chad. Due to natural deposits of sodium found around the Lake Chad Basin, many find that the newly dug bore holes contain too high salt content to drink and continue to drink the contaminated waters from the lake contributing to the many illness children suffer from on top of a growing food crisis. The port was once able to dock large boats to carry good across to Nigeria but as the level of the lake decreased, only small boats can pass through the narrow waterways.

A boy drinks water directly out of Lake Chad at what was once the port of Baga Sola, Chad. Due to natural deposits of sodium found around the Lake Chad Basin, many find that the newly dug bore holes contain too high salt content to drink and continue to drink the contaminated waters from the lake contributing to the many illness children suffer from on top of a growing food crisis. The port was once able to dock large boats to carry good across to Nigeria but as the level of the lake decreased, only small boats can pass through the narrow waterways.